Function reference
Main Functions
— Functioniterated_integrals(W::AbstractVector, h, eps=h^(3/2);
Simulates an approximation of the iterated stochastic integrals $\int_0^h\int_0^sdW_i(t)dW_j(s)$ for all pairs $1\le i, j \le m$ of the given $m$-dimensional Brownian motion with step size h.
julia> h = 1/2;
julia> W = [1.0, 0.5]
2-element Vector{Float64}:
julia> diag(iterated_integrals(W, h, h^(3/2))) ≈ 0.5*W.^2 .- 0.5h
iterated_integrals(W::AbstractVector, q_12::AbstractVector, h, eps;
Simulates an approximation of the iterated stochastic integrals for finite-dimensional approximations of a Q-Wiener process with covariance matrix $Q = Q^\frac{1}{2}*Q^\frac{1}{2}$. Here q_12
is a vector of the eigenvalues of $Q^\frac{1}{2}$; the square root of the covariance matrix. Equivalently these are the square roots of the eigenvalues of $Q$.
julia> h = 0.01; dim=10; q = [1/k^2 for k=1:dim];
julia> W = √h * sqrt.(q) .* randn(dim);
julia> diag(iterated_integrals(W,sqrt.(q),h,h^(3/2))) ≈ 0.5*W.^2 .- 0.5*h*q
iterated_integrals(W::Real, h::Real, eps::Real=0.0; ito_correction=true, kwargs...)
In the case of a scalar Brownian motion the integral can be explicitly calculated as $\int_0^h\int_0^sdW(t)dW(s) = \frac{1}{2}W(h)^2 - \frac{1}{2}h$.
The parameter eps
(as well as all additional keyword arguments) has no effect but is available to provide the same interface as the multidimensional version.
iterated_integrals(W::Real, q_12::Real, h::Real, eps::Real; ito_correction=true, kwargs...)
In the case of a scalar Q-Wiener process with (scalar) covariance Q the integral can be explicitly calculated as $\int_0^h\int_0^sdW(t)dW(s) = \frac{1}{2}W(h)^2 - \frac{1}{2}hQ$.
Note that, as in the multidimensional case, the parameter q_12
denotes the square root of the covariance.
The parameter eps
(as well as all additional keyword arguments) has no effect but is available to provide the same interface as the multidimensional version.
— Functionlevyarea(W, n, alg::Fourier)
Simulates an approximation of the iterated Itô-integrals $\int_0^1W_s\otimes dW_s$ of the given $m$-dimensional increment of a Wiener process with step size 1. The parameter $n$ specifies the number of terms in the approximation and thus determines the accuracy. This algorithm is based on a Fourier expansion of the Wiener process. The algorithm needs approximately $m^2+2\cdot m\cdot n$ Float's and $2\cdot m\cdot n$ random numbers. The time complexity is $\mathcal{O}(m^2\cdot n)$.
levyarea(W, n, alg::Milstein)
Simulates an approximation of the iterated Itô-integrals $\int_0^1W_s\otimes dW_s$ of the given $m$-dimensional increment of a Wiener process with step size 1. The parameter $n$ specifies the number of terms in the approximation and thus determines the accuracy. This is an efficient implementation of the algorithm proposed in Milstein, 1994. It is based on a Fourier expansion of the Wiener process. The algorithm needs approximately $m^2+2\cdot m\cdot n$ Float's. The time complexity is $\mathcal{O}(m^2\cdot n)$.
levyarea(W, n, alg::Wiktorsson)
Simulates an approximation of the iterated Itô-integrals $\int_0^1W_s\otimes dW_s$ of the given $m$-dimensional increment of a Wiener process with step size 1. The parameter $n$ specifies the number of terms in the approximation and thus determines the accuracy. This is an efficient implementation of the algorithm proposed in Wiktorsson, 2001. It is based on the Fourier method from Milstein but incorporates an additional tail sum approximation. The algorithm needs approximately $2\cdot m^2+2\cdot m\cdot n+m$ Float's. The time complexity is $\mathcal{O}(m^2\cdot n)$.
levyarea(W, n, alg::MronRoe)
Simulates an approximation of the iterated Itô-integrals $\int_0^1W_s\otimes dW_s$ of the given $m$-dimensional increment of a Wiener process with step size 1. The parameter $n$ specifies the number of terms in the approximation and thus determines the accuracy. This is an efficient implementation of the algorithm proposed in Mrongowius & Rößler, 2021. It is based on the Fourier method from Milstein but incorporates an improved tail sum approximation. The algorithm needs approximately $m^2+2\cdot m\cdot n$ Float's and $1/2m^2+2\cdot m\cdot n + 1/2m$ random numbers. The time complexity is $\mathcal{O}(m^2\cdot n)$.
— Typeabstract type AbstractIteratedIntegralAlgorithm end
Abstract type for algorithms for the simulation of iterated integrals.
julia> subtypes(AbstractIteratedIntegralAlgorithm)
4-element Vector{Any}:
— Typeabstract type AbstractErrorNorm end
Abstract type for different kind of errors one might consider. The most important are MaxL2
and FrobeniusL2
. These are actually special cases of the MaxLp{p}
and SchattenqLp{p,q}
const MaxL2 = MaxLp{2}
const FrobeniusL2 = SchattenqLp{2,2}
All currently defined norms:
julia> subtypes(LevyArea.AbstractErrorNorm)
3-element Vector{Any}:
— Functionoptimal_algorithm(dim, stepsize, eps=stepsize^(3/2), norm=MaxL2())
optimal_algorithm(dim, q_12, stepsize, eps, norm=FrobeniusL2())
Returns the optimal algorithm for the given parameters, i.e. the algorithm that needs to simulate the fewest random numbers to achieve the desired precision eps
julia> h = 1/128;
julia> optimal_algorithm(10, h, h^(3/2), MaxL2())
julia> optimal_algorithm(10, 1.0./(1:10).^2, h, h^(3/2), FrobeniusL2())
Algorithmic properties
— Functionterms_needed(dim, stepsize, eps, alg, norm)
Returns the number of terms in the approximating sum that is needed to ensure an error in the given norm of at most eps
. This depends on the dimension of the Wiener process dim
, the current stepsize and the chosen algorithm.
See also: AbstractIteratedIntegralAlgorithm
, AbstractErrorNorm
julia> h = 1/128;
julia> terms_needed(10, h, h^(3/2), Milstein(), MaxL2())
New algorithms should only have to implement errcoeff
and convorder
terms_needed(dim, q_12, stepsize, eps, alg, norm)
Used for finite-dimensional approximations of a Q-Wiener process with covariance matrix $Q = Q^\frac{1}{2}*Q^\frac{1}{2}$. Here q_12
is a vector of the eigenvalues of $Q^\frac{1}{2}$; the square root of the covariance matrix. Equivalently these are the square roots of the eigenvalues of $Q$.
julia> h = 1/128;
julia> dim = 10;
julia> q = [1/k^2 for k=1:dim];
julia> terms_needed(dim, sqrt.(q), h, h^(3/2), Milstein(), FrobeniusL2())
— Functionconvorder(alg::AbstractIteratedIntegralAlgorithm)
Returns the convergence order of the algorithm w.r.t. the truncation parameter.
See also: errcoeff
— Functionerrcoeff(dim, stepsize, alg, norm)
errcoeff(dim, q_12, stepsize, alg, norm)
Returns the coefficient of the truncation parameter in the error estimate. I.e. the error estimate is of the form
\[\lVert I(h)-\tilde{I}^{(p)}(h) \rVert_* ≤ \mathrm{errcoeff}(m,h) \cdot p^{-γ}\]
where the norm is given by norm
, the approximation $\tilde{I}^{(p)}$ is calculated using alg
and $γ$ is the order of convergence given by convorder(alg)
— Functionnorv(dim, n, alg::AbstractIteratedIntegralAlgorithm)
Returns the number of random numbers needed to simulate the iterated integrals for a Wiener process of dimension dim
and with truncation parameter n
— Functioneffective_cost(dim, stepsize, eps, alg, norm)
effective_cost(dim, q_12, stepsize, eps, alg, norm)
Returns the number of random numbers needed to simulate the iterated integrals with the given parameters.
Helper functions
— Functionito_correction!(I, h=1)
Applies the Itô-correction for iterated integrals to I
. This amounts to subtracting $\frac{1}{2}h$ from every element on the diagonal.
julia> M = ones(5,5);
julia> LevyArea.ito_correction!(M, 0.5)
julia> M
5×5 Matrix{Float64}:
0.75 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 0.75 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 0.75 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.75 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.75